HolidayClan is a marketplace where mostly local suppliers / vendors upload the content and we have developed our in-house rules in order to prevent any misalignment of interests between the former and the later. Thereby also attempting to ensure that no material which is inconsistent with our terms and conditions set forth herein is present on the website, or in any physical form with the branding of HolidayClan .

A visitor to the website may not reproduce, perform, create derivative works from, republish or upload in any way whatsoever any content from the website without the prior written consent of the company. You may, however, download any downloadable items displayed on the website, for personal, non-commercial home use only, provided all copyright and other notices contained in the contents are left intact.

Herein any mention of HolidayClan , us or the company is a direct reference to the company HolidayClan. Also any mention of content will include content in any form including in the form of media based content such as images, videos and presentation slides.